
Consider Climate Changes on the Planet to Reduce Pollution by Eco-Friendly Surfing and Protect Our Environment

Surfing impact on global pollution problems. Part 1

Climate changes on the planet

Surfing can be considered a purely natural sport because, thanks to the water and the proper climate of our planet, we can do it.

If there were no natural climate conditions, we would not know this activity in the form that we are aware of it now.

The biosphere of the planet favors us by providing the best gifts but we are not usually grateful for them.

In the next few articles, we will talk about the interaction of our favorite sport with the environment and climate of the planet as well as discuss how we impact and change the environment in the process of surfing.

Surfers to Act on Climate Change

According to meteorologists and climate researchers, this is a direct consequence of the fact that fluctuations and climate changes in atmospheric temperatures on the planet have become significant.

Seasonality ceases to be the norm and the boundaries between the warm and cold periods on our planet change becoming more clear and expressive.

Cold winters are abruptly replaced by hot summers and vice versa.

In some areas of the planet where the mild marine climate prevailed, the number of hot and dry days is increasing. In regions of the planet with a cold climate, instead of crackling frosts, a prolonged thaw is observed.

Most scientists suggest that the problem of global warming that influences climate on our planet arose due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases within the planet of Earth’s atmosphere.

They prevent the accumulated heat from passing through.

These gases form an abnormal dome around the planet and it leads to an increasing change in climate and temperature which causes a rapid change in glaciers.

This process of local climate changes negatively affects the general climate of the planet.

surfing climate change sea level

Researchers and scientists support the idea that a change in climate conditions and their zones on our planet not only exists but is also happening at the moment.

This is a rather slow process of climate changes and it can last for tens or even hundreds of years so that we could notice the result of such climate changes on the planet but it is still going on.

Even now, you can already notice how it snows in the USA in winter while winter in Siberia is not at all what you are used to talking about – climate change means that now, it is quite warm and with minimal rainfall.

The once dry and hot summer is replaced by cold winds all over the planet and constant rains and vice versa.

If you still adhere to the opinion that climate change is a made-up story, you should better understand this topic and familiarize yourself with the facts about the climate on our planet.

Climate change

You should also pay attention to Pascal’s theory.

It is based on the opinion that it would be better for us to take seriously the possible connection between carbon emissions into the atmosphere and changes in the ecological and climatic environment of the planet rather than deny them.

We can argue about these climate changes for a very long time and turn a blind eye to them but it will not bring any positive results.

It would be wiser to believe that climate changes are happening and make decisions that could help prevent an environmental disaster on our planet rather than close your eyes to its existence.

Instead, we should now take some action to combat climate change. This will be much better than putting up with the consequences of the fact that humanity is guilty of excessive planet pollution and pole shifting.

Because it may be too late to do something, we should think about the future of our planet at the moment.

Your disbelief could only become a card game, where, according to fate, the whole planet would be a loser.

The main thing is to understand the seriousness of the possible consequences of these changes in climate for our planet’s future.

I often come across the opinion of surfers who believe that humanity has an impact on climate change on the planet through carbon emissions.

In this case, we are more than ever interested in this since our industry is directly related to the water which is the most important natural element of the planet that constantly changes.

We ourselves are more interested than others in the process of climate change and global warming since we are used to certain climate and water conditions and no one would like to adapt to others due to the changing climate on the planet that will not be so convenient.

It is very important for us to control the state of the temperature of the planet’s oceans. Because rising sea levels can entail reducing the percentage of low tides on your favorite reef, it means that you can no longer engage there at full.

climate change surfing

Global warming is the increasing change in the average temperature and climate on the planet of Earth over the past hundred years.

Since the 1970s, this figure has been going up rapidly.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change deduced an average value that shows how much the sea level on the planet had risen and accounted for climate over ten years.

They took the data from 1993 to 2003 for their change analysis and concluded that the level was increasing at a rate of 3 mm per year.

We know that over time, this figure becomes larger which means that climate change of our planet is happening rather rapidly.

So that we could somehow resist this change of climate or stop the rise in the sea level, every inhabitant of the planet has to find out where he can store more than a hundred gallons of water per day.

the greatest threats to the future of surfing

Harmful gases are one of the main reasons that the climate of our planet is changing. They concentrate in the troposphere.

Previously, the solar heat and radiation entered the planet of Earth, warmed it, and reflected from the surface into space.

Now, they are repeatedly reflected from the gas layer around the planet and re-enter the atmosphere warming it again and causing shifts in climate.

The causes of harmful gas emissions and changes in climate made by them are akin to global warming on the planet because all the things are interconnected.

Forest fires and industrial enterprises emit large amounts of dangerous substances. The same gas is released by living organisms during breathing.

Harmful gases

There is an opinion among scientists that the global warming process is dynamic, that it was launched a long time ago and human participation in it is minimal.

This influence from outside is associated with astrophysics. Specialists in this area see the cause of climate change in the location of planets and celestial bodies in space.

People already feel these climate change problems on themselves. Many regions of our planet suffer from floods, large tsunamis, earthquakes, and changes in climate and weather conditions.

Until now, scientists around the world have been struggling to solve the problem of melting glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica.

They represent the richest reserve of fresh water on the planet, which, due to warmer climate and other changes, melts and goes into the ocean. But we can already try to stop the process of melting glaciers today or, at least, slow it down a little.

process of melting glaciers

Perhaps, surfing may soon become too expensive a treat.

Humanity must achieve such a level of distribution of emissions into the planet’s environment that they will be constantly monitored closely and not exceed the permitted levels dangerous for the climate.

We all will have to choose between using hot water and buying a new surfboard, so this will be a difficult test that we have to pass to become different due to these changes in climate.

Our routine activities that entail a continuous carbon footprint should be minimized.

As we want to get rid of the amounts of harmful emissions on our planet, we should think about our change for healthy habits that will help us and the climate of the planet.

Our hobbies and activities should change to become more climate and environmentally friendly. Therefore, surfing should be either greener or a thing of the past.

Climate changes and surfing

However, if humanity doesn’t come to anything, we still have hope for a bright future for our planet. It’s all about changes in the emissions from the production of things for riding on the waves.

The carbon of this group is unlikely to bring harm to the next generation and the climate of the planet but the fact is that it will also be necessary to somehow satisfy its needs by solving the environmental problem.

We simply do not want to accept inconvenient changes in our existing system and are ready to just shift the responsibility to those who will continue to live as usual instead of acting now to make changes.

To make our habits environmentally friendly and beneficial for the climate, we need to take some new measures for changes in manufacturing.

We will have to manufacture surfing accessories with the lowest carbon concentration. It is also necessary to make these products through the use of environmental energy which is self-renewing.

In our industry, only products made from natural materials that have been grown in environmentally friendly conditions should be used.

We should minimize the amount of waste and garbage in order to change and stop polluting the environment of the planet.

We should change the ways of manufacturing and processing of secondary raw materials in order to eliminate waste in the most useful manner.

Recycled Cork Surfboards

There are many small steps that must be taken to change and achieve a big goal.

And surfers should think about it because using surfboards and equipment made from climate friendly materials is more environmentally friendly and this will not bring any damage and drastic changes to your wallet but will be beneficial to the ride quality, planet’s climate, and nature.

Though, the very first step for coming on the path of saving the planet is for us to realize the scale of the problem with the climate.

We should first find out where and how our harmful footprint for the environment changes on the planet is created and then look for solutions and apply them in practice.

Eco-surfboard made from recycled cardboard

Unfortunately, conspiracy theories are growing in number today. They say that global warming is an artificially created myth.

Controversial issues in the views on the situation with the climate on the planet and the choice of methods of struggle are largely related to the insinuation and juggling facts about the climate.

Industrial giants scattered around the world have concentrated a significant part of the economy on the planet in their hands.

The noble desire to limit the amounts of emissions of harmful components into the atmosphere by introducing restrictions on the industrial production in a number of countries looks like an attempt to put artificial pressure on the economies of competitors.

In our upcoming articles, we will talk about using eco-friendly surfboards and how to change them to reduce ocean emissions.

We will discuss examples and show situations of how surfing changes and affects environmental pollution and the climate on the planet and how exactly this happens.

We will carefully analyze the points of influence of surfers on the pollution of the planet and its interaction with our favorite sport.

After all, understanding all these points of change and ways of influence on the climate, we can start peace, change views, and help the planet from global warming.

We will also look at companies that have already changed to environmentally friendly products in their manufacturing and are now offering us to take a step towards cleaning the environment of our planet.

Throughout his whole existence, Man has been uncontrollably using natural resources and it has led to the emergence of disastrous changes of climate and to the majority of the environmental problems of our time.

Averting global catastrophe on our planet is in the hands of Man. The future of the Earth depends only on us.

And now, we must be responsible for the actions of mankind and any changes we are making.

surfing and сlimate changes

Rick Lomax began his journey by exploring the differences and changes in the composition of surfboards.

In his works, he compared the composition of a standard carbon-based surfboard with a product that was developed based on the change of environmental materials from plants.

Since then, he has been trying to make professional extreme sports more environmentally friendly and not harmful to the environment and climate on our planet.

To do this, he came up with a carbon calculator and also founded his company which is engaged in the changes and dissemination of the ideas of climate friendly production in the surfing industry.

He has presented his skills and knowledge at various conferences. There, he talked about his research on the life of surfboards based on plant materials, and also analyzed the changes in their life cycle and environmental impact on the planet of Earth’s climate.



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