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Bottom surface
The surfboard bottom is designed to provide stability and handleability of the surfboard by directing a stream of water exactly to its fins via the surfboard body. It influences the performance of surfboards.
There are a lot of shapes of bottoms but the main are the following:
Flat shape
It is a very simple bottom. Such a surface works nicely for the shapes of all the surfboards and is very useful for “heavy” riders.
The surfboard is gliding on top of the wave but not cutting the water on flows.
The flat shape is fast, loose, and easy to manage on small and soft waves. But it is unstable at high speed and higher waves.
Belly bottom
The old fashion type of surfboard bottoms originates from the surfing cradle. This type of surfboard looks like a real boat.
It is good for long and heavy boards when speed is not an issue but control is rather important.
Water flow is cut by the belly bottom which guarantees smooth riding on choppy waves. But at the same time, the belly slows down speed forcing you to work hard on the ride.
Concave bottom
Concavity goes through all surfboards from bow to tail providing, as a result, the steady and stable water flow.
The shape is created for fast driving and works best on smooth and fast waves.
This type is not good for bumpy and windward waves which are called “Choppy”.
You see such a bottom on the most surfboards you can buy nowadays. Usually, a single concavity goes from bow to the board middle part and then becomes double towards the tail.
The main benefit of such a surface is that double concavity parting the flow into two water streams and going directly to the fins makes the ride easier and more stable.
Channel shape
The shape is considered experimental. Channels are located in the tail area only.
The rest of the bottom can be of any other type.
This type works well on small and soft waves and is created to give more speed.
The down point goes on the stringer area and runs near them. Such a shape is usually used only in the stern area.
The rest surface can be of any other shape. It is a quite famous shape to be useful on big waves.