
There Are Rather Unfavorable Longboard Wave Conditions When You Cannot Ride Another Type of Surfing Equipment

In this article, we want to tell you how important it is to choose the right surfboard.

We will look at the advantages and disadvantages of different types of boards that you can choose from in different weather conditions.

Five reasons to buy a longboard

Ultimate surfboard

blue longboard

The type of board depends on the wave conditions you deal with. Not everyone has access to great surfing spots with the best conditions.

That is why we recommend you to try a longboard. This equipment is a good option for small wave conditions.

In fact, we all know that big longboards are very efficient in small waves. Additional weight helps you to carry your momentum and continue your glide on the waves.

Also, an important thing that helps you to catch waves in these conditions is paddle power which comes with a big board.

Small wave conditions are the best way to test your surfboard.

Indeed, there are other types that can perform well in these conditions but here, we want to concentrate only on the benefits of the longboard.

We forgot to mention that longboards are not only for the unfavorable conditions. Actually, lots of guys will take out this equipment in OH+ waves at certain breaks.

Because the wave conditions are unpredictable, the only question you could ask yourself is ‘What kind of board should I use in these waves?’ Evidently, the answer is a longboard.

Noseriding (spice your surfing life up)

On most surfboards, the nose part is not used as much as on a longboard.

We have seen the front parts with lots of stickers and other useless stuff but when it comes to the longboard, the whole story changes. You can spend almost 50% of your surfing time doing noseriding,

If you want to experiment and learn new elements and movements, then the longboard is a must-have for you.

Ride your longboard almost every day

longboard surfing

Unfortunately, the wave conditions are out of our control.

Sometimes, the waves are pumping and we enjoy it. But there are moments when it is flat for weeks.

Having a longboard in your sleeve will help you have fun in any conditions throughout the whole year.

You can use any board during the good conditions when the waves are glassy and 4ft. When you face terrible conditions, you still have to practice and develop your skills.

With the longboard, you can forget about bad conditions and fully concentrate and train at any time you want.

Count your every wave


What about the wave catching? Advanced surfers do not have any problems with that even using different types of surfboards.

If you have just started surfing life, you might have a problem with it. Again, the longboard comes to the rescue because this equipment helps you to maintain your standing position, which is very important at the very beginning.

Even for the intermediate surfers, catching waves on a longboard is much easier and more beneficial.

Following this condition in the future, you will understand how waves act and what characteristics can become helpful if you switch down to a smaller board.

Relax and rest

surfing with longboard

Thanks to its size, the longboard won’t move around too quickly and so, your movements have to be more drawn out.

Since most guys get the waves they paddle for, there are not many paddle battles for the peak.

Longboarding is the best way to relax and just rest as much as you want.


longboard surfer

Always choose the right board that meets your expectations and different riding conditions.

A shortboard is an option for more advanced surfers while the longboard is an ultimate solution for most of the problems that surfers face in unfavorable conditions.

However, no one tells you that riding a few different types of surfboards is bad. Training on the various boards makes you a much stronger and more interesting surfer to keep an eye at.

And remember that surfing is about having fun and being on a proper board for you is the first step to start your own road.



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