
Some Tips from Rochelle Ballard on How to Combine Surfing and Yoga Exercises for Getting Better Results

Find Out How You Can Use Yoga With Your Surfing in Rochelle Ballard’s Film

Rochelle Ballard yoga
Rochelle Ballard

For a long period, people thought of yoga exercises as another option for common kinds of training.

All the celebrities and sportsmen have indulged in the advantages of this exercise program that originally came from India. It is getting more and more popular in this field.

Among all these people, there are also highly-skilled surfers and it makes yoga a topic for us as well.

Rochelle Ballard, a surfer and yoga lover, has told us about her life with these exercises so that we could get some understanding of this matter and arrive at a conclusion.

She was 19 years old when she got acquainted with yoga exercises.

Rochelle’s neighbor was doing exercises in the front yard. She gave Rochelle advice on how her breath could help her reach clarity.

From that time on, she has used these exercises to have equilibrium in her life.

Rochelle Ballard

Rochelle believes the greatest thing about yoga is the fact it gives you mindfulness and concentration.

Such exercises contribute to the quality of surfing to a great extent.

You often get too nervous and overwrought when it comes to surfing competition.  At that moment, adrenalin gets in and the nervous system is under the load.

As for her working experience, yoga is the most successful method to control that before surfing the waves.

Surfing Champion Rochelle Ballard

Rochelle also explained how yoga exercises contributed to her mental condition with regard to surfing competition.

With the help of these exercises, you concentrate your energy and get a clear head for surfing. She believes it can help manage worries and the way you feel in general.

She always does the exercises long in advance before surfing. This way, she concentrates on what is happening around her.

We can always get back to our calmness and clarity of mind and control ourselves regardless of what is going to come up.

You can decide whether to get nervous and anxious because of the external world or to be more concentrated and embrace life.

It is you who decides where your concentration will run.

Rochelle keeps integrating yoga into her surfing experience as it has taken on enormous importance in her surfing practice.

With a dedication to being healthy in body and mind, she keeps a diet which has a great number of nutrients, leads an active lifestyle, and doesn’t stop doing exercises on a regular basis.

This recognition of how her life should be managed has become a key player in her satisfaction with life and her surfing achievements.

In Rochelle’s opinion, yoga brings you to perfection. It gives you equilibrium to everything you are up to in life.

As for Rochelle, she likes to swim, go jogging, ride a bike, do exercises with a core stabilizer, and yoga is a perfect match for it all including surfing.

yoga Rochelle Ballard

In regard to what kind of yoga fits surfing better, Rochelle suggests choosing which exercises you do before surfing and which exercises should be done after surfing.

It is so because this or that kind of exercise provides benefits when done before and some of them – after surfing.

The kind with keeping your stance for a long period of time during surfing sessions, doing restorative exercises, and really getting involved in breathing exercises, is surely perfect once you are done with surfing.

In case you do yoga before surfing, this will have to do with breath awareness and better stimulation.

One more advantage of yoga for surfing practice is that it can protect your body from injuries. The muscles get longer thanks to these exercises.

Such kind of sports as surfing is truly a combination of elements depending on one another as you are constantly working with it.

Your tissues get de-stressed thanks to yoga.

Rochelle’s film Surf into Yoga is dedicated to yoga for beginners. The DVD was released in 2009.

Rochelle leads you along this path from a beginner to a middle level.

You will also see there why Rochelle Ballard is thought of as the most influential woman surfer and also one of the leading barrel riders in the world.

Rochelle, being a fan of making films, got an idea to combine yoga exercises and surfing in one film revealing their close interaction and showing another side of surfing and the feeling it gives.

Rather than having part of the performance, you incorporate these exercises into what truly boosts the things you are doing. They are your well-being and getting that equilibrium during surfing sessions.

rochelle ballard surf into yoga

You will also see Rochelle’s brother in her film. Hoku Gordines is a Hatha yoga teacher. He shows exercises for shoulders and chi gong.

Apart from him, Chanelle Sladics, a professional snowboarder and co-producer, is seen in the film. You will find exercises done by her for warm-up before surfing.

It was possible to bring this informative film to life thanks to John Roderick & Neu Productions and their shooting and editing skills.

Rochelle’s wish to let us know that everyone is able to start feeling well and find equilibrium very fast encouraged her for the Surf into Yoga.

It will benefit you more to have 15-minute yoga exercises than to have zero yoga exercises at all. People frequently have talked about it but they do not devote their time to their body and life to bring the basic yoga principles into action.

Everyone can spare 10 or 15 minutes per day even if he or she works every day to do yoga exercises. You will notice what a good effect these minutes make on you.

Yoga Bridge Pose

Rochelle wants urban people to get to know the beauty of Hawaii at their work or at home. This beauty is combined with music to let others draw a deep breath and understand how splendid surfing is.

You can find more details on and buy Surf into Yoga offline.



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