
Why is it important for a surfer to be able to hold his breath and how to learn it

Breath-hold training is a vital skill for surfers, as it enables them to stay submerged underwater for longer durations and tackle demanding situations in the water. By enhancing their breath-hold capabilities, surfers can navigate challenging waves, hold their position when caught in a set, and maximize their time beneath the surface.

Through specific exercises and techniques, breath-hold training can significantly improve a surfer’s ability to remain calm, extend their breath-hold duration, and increase their overall water confidence. In this guide, we will explore various methods and practices to help surfers enhance their breath-hold, enabling them to unlock their full potential in the water.


Improving your breath-hold is crucial for surfing, as it allows you to stay underwater longer and handle challenging situations in the water. Here are some tips to help you improve your breath-hold for surfing:

  1. Start with breathing exercises: Begin by practicing deep breathing exercises to expand your lung capacity and increase oxygen intake. Regularly perform exercises like diaphragmatic breathing or pranayama techniques to strengthen your respiratory muscles.
  2. Static apnea training: Static apnea is holding your breath while remaining still. Find a safe and comfortable location, such as a pool or calm body of water, and start by holding your breath for short durations. Gradually increase the time as you become more comfortable and confident. Focus on relaxing your body and mind during each breath hold.
  3. Dynamic apnea training: Dynamic apnea involves holding your breath while swimming or moving underwater. Practice swimming underwater with a focus on extending your breath-hold duration. You can swim laps underwater or simulate paddling movements to simulate the surfing experience. Start with shorter distances and gradually increase as your breath-hold improves.
  4. Interval training: Incorporate interval training into your breath-hold practice. Perform multiple repetitions of breath-holds with short rest intervals in between. For example, hold your breath for a specific duration, rest for 30 seconds, and then repeat. Interval training helps simulate the unpredictable nature of surfing and improves your ability to recover quickly.
  5. Mental preparation: Breath-holding is a physical exercise and a mental one. Work on mental preparation techniques such as visualization and meditation. Visualize yourself in challenging surf scenarios, staying calm and holding your breath. Meditation can help you stay focused, reduce anxiety, and enhance your ability to hold your breath for extended periods.
  6. Safety first: Always prioritize safety during your breath-hold training—only practice breath-holding, especially in open water. Have a buddy with you who can monitor your progress and be ready to assist if needed. Familiarize yourself with proper safety protocols for breath-holding and surfing in general.

Remember, improving your breath-hold takes time and consistent practice. Gradually increase your breath-hold durations and challenge yourself within your limits. Be patient, and with dedication; you’ll see progress over time.

Breath-Hold Training

Breath-hold training involves specific exercises and techniques to improve your ability to hold your breath for extended periods. Here are some breath-hold training methods you can try:

  1. CO2 tables: CO2 tables involve holding your breath for a specific duration while minimizing your recovery time between breath-holds. Start with a comfortable breath-hold duration, such as 30 seconds, and gradually increase it over time. Rest for one breath (inhalation and exhalation) between each breath-hold. Repeat this process for multiple sets. The goal is progressively to increase your breath-hold duration and to decrease the recovery time between breath-holds.
  2. Dry, static apnea: Dry, static apnea is the practice of holding your breath while staying still on land. Find a comfortable and safe location, and lie down relaxed. Please take a deep breath and hold it for as long as possible. Focus on staying calm and relaxed throughout the breath-hold. Record your time and try to improve it gradually with each practice session.
  3. Dynamic apnea: Dynamic apnea training involves holding your breath while performing physical activities, such as swimming or underwater movements. Start with shorter distances or durations and gradually increase them as you become more comfortable. Focus on maintaining good technique and form while holding your breath underwater.
  4. CO2 tolerance exercises: CO2 tolerance exercises help your body adapt to higher carbon dioxide levels, which triggers the urge to breathe. These exercises involve controlled breath-holds with shorter recovery periods. For example, you can practice multiple breath-hold repetitions where you inhale and exhale for a fixed duration, followed by a short breath-hold. This helps your body become accustomed to higher levels of CO2 and improves your tolerance.
  5. Mental training: Breath-hold training is physical and requires mental strength and control. Practice visualization techniques to imagine yourself in challenging surf situations, staying calm and composed while holding your breath. Develop mental resilience through meditation or mindfulness practices to enhance your ability to handle breath-holding situations in the water.

Remember to prioritize safety during breath-hold training. Always practice in a safe environment and have a buddy present for supervision. Never push yourself beyond your limits; listen to your body’s signals. Gradually progress and be patient with your breath-hold improvement.


Improving your breath-hold for surfing is a continuous journey that requires commitment, practice, and patience. By incorporating breathing exercises, static and dynamic apnea training, interval training, mental preparation, and ensuring safety, surfers can enhance their breath-hold capacity and overall performance in the water.

It is important to remember that progress takes time, and it is crucial to listen to your body, gradually increase your breath-hold durations, and never push beyond your limits. With consistent effort and a focus on physical and mental aspects, surfers can develop the confidence and skills necessary to excel in the challenging and exhilarating world of surfing. So dive in, embrace the training, and prepare to ride those waves with a newfound breath-hold prowess.

Max Surfer


About Author

>> Professional surfer with over 10 years of experience >> Participant in numerous international competitions, including World Championships >> Experience in training and instructing beginner surfers

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