
What is Frontside snap in surfing and how to do it correctly

Surfing is a thrilling sport that has been enjoyed by people worldwide for centuries. One of the most fundamental maneuvers in surfing is the frontside snap, which involves a quick turn off the top of the wave while riding in the direction of your front foot.

While it may seem simple, mastering the frontside snap takes time, patience, and practice. This guide will provide the steps and tips you need to perform a successful frontside snap and take your surfing to the next level.

Frontside snap in surfing

The frontside snap is a fundamental maneuver in surfing that involves a quick, sharp turn off the top of the wave while riding in the direction of your front foot. Here are the steps to perform a frontside snap:

  1. Position yourself correctly: Start by paddling into the wave and positioning yourself in the right spot on the face of the wave. You want to be slightly ahead of the breaking part of the wave and on your front foot.
  2. Generate speed: Generate speed by pumping your board up and down as you approach the wave section where you want to perform the snap.
  3. Look where you want to go: Look in the direction you want to turn before starting the turn. This will help you keep your balance and complete the maneuver smoothly.
  4. Initiate the turn: Use your back foot to pivot your board and initiate the turn. As you turn, lean your body weight over the front foot and put pressure on your inside rail.
  5. Release the fins: As you turn, use your back foot to release the fins of your board, which will help you pivot the board around and generate speed.
  6. Finish the turn: Complete by bringing your body back over the center of the board, straightening your body, and riding out the maneuver.

Remember to practice the frontside snap on smaller waves first, gradually increasing the size and power of the waves as you become more comfortable with the maneuver. Also, practice on both your forehand and backhand to develop your overall surfing skills.

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind when performing a frontside snap in surfing:

  1. Timing is key: Try to time your turn to hit the lip or the top of the wave at the right moment. This will allow you to use the wave’s energy to help you complete the maneuver and generate speed.
  2. Keep your weight forward: As you turn, shift your weight over your front foot to maintain control of the board and prevent it from sliding out.
  3. Use your arms: Your arms can help you generate speed and maintain balance during the maneuver. Use them to pump the board and keep your body centered over the board.
  4. Practice different types of waves: Waves come in all shapes and sizes, so practice your frontside snap on various waves to improve your technique and develop your ability to read the wave.
  5. Be patient: Learning to perform a frontside snap takes time and practice. Keep going if you get it right away. Keep practicing, and you will eventually master the maneuver.


The frontside snap is essential for any surfer to improve their skills and ride the waves with style and finesse. By following the steps and tips outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the frontside snap and taking your surfing to the next level.

Remember to practice different types of waves, be patient, and don’t give up. With dedication and perseverance, you can become a skilled and accomplished surfer capable of performing all wave maneuvers.

Max Surfer


About Author

>> Professional surfer with over 10 years of experience >> Participant in numerous international competitions, including World Championships >> Experience in training and instructing beginner surfers

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