
Cutback in surfing: how to do it, step by step instructions

Surfing is a thrilling water sport that requires skill, balance, and finesse. One of the most fundamental maneuvers in surfing is the cutback, which allows a surfer to change direction while riding a wave. Whether a beginner looking to master the basics or an experienced surfer aiming to refine your technique, learning to do a cutback can significantly enhance your surfing abilities.

In this article, we will delve into the ins and outs of how to do a cutback in surfing, covering key concepts, proper body positioning, common mistakes to avoid, and helpful tips to achieve a smooth and stylish cutback. So grab your board, paddle out, and get ready to level up your surfing skills with the art of the cutback!

How to do a cutback in surfing

The cutback is a fundamental maneuver in surfing that allows you to change direction while riding a wave. It involves redirecting your board back towards the wave’s breaking part, enabling you to maintain speed and flow across the wave face. Here are the steps to perform a cutback in surfing:

  1. Choose the right wave: To perform a successful cutback, selecting an appropriate wave is crucial. Look for a wave with a clean face that is not too steep or mushy. Ideally, you want a wave that will give you enough speed to perform the maneuver effectively.
  2. Generate speed: As you approach the section of the wave where you want to do the cutback, generate speed by pumping your arms and shifting your weight forward and back on your board. This will help you gain the necessary momentum for the maneuver.
  3. Initiate the turn: As you reach the top of the wave and start to lose speed, it’s time to initiate the cutback turn. Start by shifting your weight to the back foot and using your back foot to apply pressure on the tail of the board. This will cause the board to pivot and turn back towards the breaking part of the wave.
  4. Look where you want to go: Keep your eyes focused on the direction you want to go, which is back towards the wave’s breaking section. This will help you maintain balance and control as you execute the turn.
  5. Use your arms and shoulders: Your upper body is crucial for a smooth cutback. First, use your arms and shoulders to guide and pivot your board through the turn. Then, swing your arms toward the turn and rotate your shoulders to initiate and complete the maneuver.
  6. Keep your balance: Balance is key in surfing, especially during a cutback. Keep your body low and centered over your board, with your knees bent and arms extended for stability. Avoid leaning back or too far forward, as it can cause you to lose balance and fall off your board.
  7. Transition smoothly: As you complete the cutback turn and start heading back towards the wave’s breaking section, transition smoothly into your next move, whether it’s another turn, a bottom turn, or riding back down the wave face.
  8. Practice, practice, practice: Mastering the cutback takes practice like any other surfing maneuver. Be patient and practice in different wave conditions to improve your technique and gain confidence in executing the maneuver.

Remember, the cutback is a dynamic maneuver that requires timing, coordination, and practice. It may take time to perfect, but with persistence and determination, you can add this essential skill to your surfing arsenal and elevate your surfing to new levels of style and control. So get out there, catch some waves, and have fun honing your cutback skills!

Here are some additional tips and considerations to keep in mind as you learn how to do a cutback in surfing:

  1. Start with small turns: If you’re new to cutbacks, start with small turns and gradually work up to bigger, more aggressive ones. Focus on mastering the basic technique and building your confidence before attempting more advanced variations.
  2. Watch other surfers: Observing experienced surfers performing cutbacks can provide valuable insights. Please pay attention to their body positioning, arm movements, and timing to understand better how the maneuver should be executed.
  3. Timing is crucial: Timing is critical to successful cutbacks. Choose the right section of the wave and initiate the turn at the right moment to maximize the wave’s energy. Too early or too late of a turn can result in losing speed or missing the wave altogether.
  4. Practice foot placement: Foot placement plays a significant role in executing a clean cutback. Practice shifting your weight and applying pressure on different parts of your board to control the turn and maintain balance. Experiment with different foot positions to find what works best for you.
  5. Keep your eyes up: It’s essential to keep them up and look where you want to go throughout the maneuver. Avoid staring down at your board or the water, as it can disrupt your balance and affect your control.
  6. Be mindful of your board’s fins: The fins on your surfboard are crucial in controlling your turns. For example, be mindful of your fins during a cutback, as they can catch on the wave or cause the board to slide out. Practice angling your fins appropriately for smooth and controlled turns.
  7. Stay relaxed: Lastly, remember to stay relaxed and go with the flow of the wave. Tensing up or being too rigid can hinder your ability to perform a cutback smoothly. Stay loose, stay relaxed, and let your body flow with the wave’s motion.


In conclusion, mastering the cutback in surfing is a crucial skill that allows you to change direction and maintain speed while riding waves. However, it requires proper technique, timing, and practice to execute it smoothly and with style. By choosing the right wave, generating speed, initiating the turn, using your upper body, maintaining balance, and practicing consistently, you can improve your cutback skills and elevate your surfing to new levels.

Remember, like any other surfing maneuver, the cutback takes time and effort to perfect. So be patient with yourself and keep practicing in different wave conditions to refine your technique and gain confidence. Feel free to start with smaller turns and gradually progress to more advanced variations as you build your skills.

Additionally, always prioritize safety in the water by wearing appropriate surfing gear, being aware of your surroundings, and respecting other surfers and the environment. Surfing can be challenging, but with dedication and perseverance, you can become a proficient cutback rider and enjoy the thrill of maneuvering across the wave face with grace and control.

So, grab your board, head to the waves, and practice your cutbacks. With persistence and determination, you’ll be riding those waves with style, flair, and confidence in no time! Happy surfing!

Max Surfer


About Author

>> Professional surfer with over 10 years of experience >> Participant in numerous international competitions, including World Championships >> Experience in training and instructing beginner surfers

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