
How to do the backflip on a surfboard trick correctly – step by step algorithm

Surfing is a thrilling and dynamic water sport that challenges riders to perform various maneuvers on a constantly changing playing field. Among the advanced tricks that surfers aspire to master is the backflip on a surfboard. However, attempting a backflip on a surfboard requires skill, balance, experience, careful preparation, and safety precautions.

This article will provide general instructions and tips for attempting a backflip on a surfboard, emphasizing the importance of safety and gradual progression. Please note that backflips on surfboards are considered advanced maneuvers and should only be attempted by experienced surfers in suitable conditions and with proper training.

How to do a backflip on a surfboard

Here are general instructions for attempting a backflip on a surfboard:

  1. Build up your surfing skills: Before attempting a backflip on a surfboard, it’s essential to have a solid foundation in surfing. Ensure you have balance and control and experience riding waves on a surfboard.
  2. Choose the right wave: Look for a wave suitable for attempting a backflip. Ideally, you’ll want a wave with enough power and steepness to give you the speed and air needed for the maneuver.
  3. Gain speed: Paddle into the wave and generate enough speed by riding down the face of the wave. Speed is crucial for performing a backflip.
  4. Prepare for takeoff: As you approach the lip of the wave (the top part that is about to break), position yourself towards the edge of the surfboard with your feet firmly planted on the board. Then, crouch down and coil your body, preparing for the backflip.
  5. Initiate the backflip: As you reach the lip of the wave, push off forcefully with your feet, launching yourself into the air. Use your body’s momentum to rotate backward and initiate the backflip. Tuck your knees towards your chest and extend your arms for balance.
  6. Complete the backflip: Using your core muscles to control your body’s movement as you rotate backward. Spot the landing and prepare to re-enter the water.
  7. Land safely: Extend your legs and prepare to land back on the water as you come around from the backflip. Try to land on the face of the wave, ideally on the flats, to absorb the impact.
  8. Recover and continue riding: Once you’ve landed, try to regain your balance and continue riding the wave as smoothly as possible.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when attempting a backflip on a surfboard:

  1. Practice on land first: Before attempting a backflip on a surfboard, practice the flipping motion on land to get comfortable with the movement. Next, find a soft surface like a mat or a beach with soft sand, and practice your backflip technique, including the rotation and tuck, to build muscle memory.
  2. Strengthen your core: A strong core is essential for performing a backflip on a surfboard. Incorporate core strengthening exercises into your fitness routine, such as planks, leg raises, and Russian twists, to help improve your balance and stability.
  3. Use the right equipment: Use a surfboard to perform tricks like backflips. A smaller, more maneuverable board with a thruster or quad fin setup can give you better control and responsiveness for aerial maneuvers.
  4. Choose the right conditions: The ideal conditions for attempting a backflip on a surfboard include a wave with enough power and steepness and a safe and open area without any obstacles or other surfers. Avoid attempting a backflip in crowded or hazardous surf conditions.
  5. Safety first: Always prioritize safety when attempting any advanced maneuver on a surfboard. Wear appropriate safety gear, such as a leash and a wetsuit if needed, and be aware of your surroundings. Surf with a buddy or have someone watch you from the shore for added safety.
  6. Start small and progress gradually: Backflips are advanced maneuvers that require a high level of skill and experience. If you’re new to performing tricks on a surfboard, start with smaller aerial maneuvers and progress gradually as you gain confidence and skill.
  7. Fall properly: Falling is a part of learning any new trick. If you don’t complete the backflip successfully, try to fall flat into the water, keeping your arms extended for protection and avoiding landing headfirst or on your board.

Attempting Backflips on a surfboard can be dangerous, and assessing your skill level, experience, and conditions is essential before attempting any advanced maneuvers.

Always prioritize safety and progress at your own pace. Consider seeking guidance from experienced surfers or professional instructors for proper technique and training.


In conclusion, attempting a backflip on a surfboard is an exciting but challenging endeavor requiring high skill, experience, and safety awareness. It’s crucial to build a solid foundation of surfing skills, practice in a safe environment, use appropriate equipment, and progress gradually.

Safety should always be the top priority when attempting any advanced maneuver on a surfboard. Remember to consult with experienced surfers or professional instructors for guidance and training. By following proper technique, preparation, and safety precautions, you can work towards mastering the backflip on a surfboard and enjoy the thrill of pushing the limits of your surfing abilities.

Max Surfer


About Author

>> Professional surfer with over 10 years of experience >> Participant in numerous international competitions, including World Championships >> Experience in training and instructing beginner surfers

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