
What is Alley-oop in surfing and how is it done?

Surfing is a thrilling sport that allows individuals to harness the power of the ocean and ride waves. It requires strength, balance, and skill to navigate the waves and perform maneuvers successfully. One of the most exciting and challenging maneuvers in surfing is the alley-oop.

This advanced move involves launching off the lip of a wave, spinning 180 degrees in the air, and landing back on the wave’s face. This article will discuss the steps in executing an alley-oop and provide tips to help you master this impressive maneuver.

Alley-oop in surfing

An alley-oop is a surfing maneuver where the surfer rides up the face of the wave, launches off the lip, and rotates 180 degrees in the air before landing back on the wave. Here are the steps to perform an alley-oop:

  1. Find a suitable wave: Alley-oops require a steep and powerful wave with a good lip for launching off.
  2. Build up speed: The surfer must generate enough speed to carry them up the wave face and into the air.
  3. Approach the lip: As the surfer approaches it, they must crouch down and prepare to launch off the wave.
  4. Launch off the lip: As the surfer reaches the top of the wave, they need to spring off the lip by extending their legs and pushing off the board.
  5. Rotate 180 degrees: In the air, the surfer needs to rotate their body 180 degrees by turning their shoulders and head in the direction they want to spin.
  6. Re-enter the wave: As the surfer rotates in the air, they need to spot their landing spot on the wave and prepare to land back on the wave face.
  7. Stomp the landing: As the surfer lands back on the wave, they must bend their knees and absorb the impact to maintain control.
Alley-oops are advanced surfing maneuver that requires a lot of practice and skill to execute correctly. In addition, it’s essential to stay safe and always wear a leash while surfing.

Here are a few additional tips for performing an alley-oop in surfing:

  1. Timing is everything: To execute an alley-oop, you must perfectly time your approach to the lip. Too early or too late, you won’t get the necessary height and rotation to complete the maneuver.
  2. Use your shoulders: Your upper body plays a crucial role in executing an alley-oop. As you launch off the lip, turn your shoulders and head toward the spin to initiate the rotation.
  3. Keep your eyes on the landing spot: In the air, keep your eyes fixed on where you want to land back on the wave. This will help you prepare for the landing and make any necessary adjustments.
  4. Practice on smaller waves first: Before attempting an alley-oop on a big wave, try practicing the maneuver on smaller waves to get a feel for the timing and rotation.
  5. Commit fully: To successfully execute an alley-oop, you must commit fully to the maneuver and maintain your focus throughout the entire rotation.

Remember, surfing is a sport that requires practice, patience, and dedication. So keep practicing and pushing yourself, and you’ll eventually be able to master the alley-oop and other advanced surfing maneuvers.


The alley-oop is an advanced maneuver that requires practice, patience, and dedication to master. However, by following the steps outlined in this article and incorporating the tips provided, you can start working towards executing this impressive move.

Always prioritize safety while surfing and never attempt maneuvers beyond your skill level. With persistence and practice, you can push your surfing skills to new heights and ride the waves with confidence and style.

Max Surfer


About Author

>> Professional surfer with over 10 years of experience >> Participant in numerous international competitions, including World Championships >> Experience in training and instructing beginner surfers

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