
5-minute warm-up before arrival

Ready? The sand crunches underfoot, the breeze hits the face, and the coveted wave is ahead.

The question is, what is the difference between a regular gurney and a class session? Just a warm-up

It won’t take long, but the benefits will be enormous. Before riding the board, take five minutes to prepare for the gurney:

Do not strain

We are not talking about a full-fledged workout; you need to bring specific parts of the body to condition so that by the time you lie down on the board and start rowing, the body has not experienced a shock.
A good warm-up before the gurney will be based on stretching and yoga so that there is no place for fatigue, cramps, and accidental injuries.

Learning to breathe

Deep, slow inhalation and exhalation during the warm-up period oxygenate the muscles abundantly.

First, breathe through your nose, take full breaths, working your entire chest.

Hold the breath for a couple of seconds to allow the body to absorb oxygen.

Next, exhale slowly and smoothly through your mouth, squeezing out the last cubes of volume with your abdominal muscles.

Repeat, trying to maintain a steady breathing rhythm during the stretch.


Start by stretching the key muscles and tendons that will carry the bulk of the load during the ride.

Hands will come into play first, and therefore it is worth starting with them.

Next, from the arms, go to the neck and shoulders, and then go all over the body, down to the feet.

Arms and shoulders

  1. Stretch your arms forward and turn your palms out. Next, slowly and gently bend the long fingers of one hand with the other hand, and vice versa. Please do not overdo it, as fingers require gentle handling. Then we repeat the procedure separately for the thumbs.
    After stretching, rotate the wrists clockwise and counterclockwise

    This exercise will warm up your wrists, finger joints, and forearm muscles.

  2. Stretch the arm across the chest, grab the shoulder with the other arm bent at the elbow, and gently pull. Exercise warms up the elbows and triceps.
  3. We lower both arms along the body and shake to relax. Taking a deep breath, we raise our outstretched arms to the sides of the body and connect them with our palms above our head.
    We throw our heads back until our gaze rests on the thumbs.

    We maintain the pose for a few seconds. Warms up the biceps, shoulders, and pectoral muscles.

  4. We understand one hand up and bend at the elbow so that the palm is behind the head.
    We grab the elbow with our other hand and gently pull.

    Change hands and repeat the exercise. Warms up the shoulders and pectoral muscles.

  5. Extend both arms forward and bend at the elbows so that the fists are directly in front of the shoulders.
    We turn to the left and right several times while simultaneously pulling our elbows up.

    We return to the starting position and rotate the torso to the left and precisely several times, keeping the arms bent at the elbows. After the rotations, we lower our associates along the body. Warms up the shoulders, arms, pecs, and torso.

  6. Stretch your arms out to the sides with your palms down and make circular movements forward and then backward. We lower one hand and raise the other. We bend both arms at the elbows and connect them with the fingertips behind our back. Grabbing, gently stretch both hands, and then change the position of the hands and repeat.

    We lower both arms, straighten and connect them behind our back, and then pull both arms up

Head and neck

Gently rotate the head, making wide circles clockwise and counterclockwise.

Raise your hand above your head and touch the opposite side of your head with your palm, just above your ear.

We gently pull the chair with our hands. Warms up the tendons of the neck and shoulders.

Straighten the spine

Raise your arms above your head and lower your chin to your chest.

Slowly bend forward: first turn your head and shoulders, then your chest, and then use your lower back and hips.

We lower our arms and let them hang freely for several breaths. Warms up the neck, upper torso, torso, lower back, and vertebral muscles.

Bend your knees and lean on the ground with your palms or fingertips in a bent position.

Take a deep breath and then exhale while simultaneously unbending your knees and raising your pelvis.

Try to fully extend your legs without lifting your arms off the ground. If you fail to do this, you shouldn’t rape yourself. The main thing is to stretch out.

After a few breaths, we slowly straighten up, letting our arms hang. It would help unbent in the reverse order; the last one needs to straighten the neck.

Warms up calves, hamstrings, knees, ankles, thighs, lower back, and vertebral muscles.

Small of the back

Step forward with one foot as far as comfortable. We put our hands on the belt and transfer the weight forward, on the extended leg, bending it at the knee at a right angle and resting on the ground with our whole foot.

Bend the back leg’s knee as close to the ground as possible, rolling on the toe.

Slowly return to the starting position, change legs and repeat the exercise.

After several stretches, we make one or two body turns in each direction. Warms up the lower abdominal muscles, thighs, lower back, calves, ankles, and feet.

We do several squats with our feet shoulder-width apart and keeping our back straight.

If desired, you can increase the load by jumping in and out of the squatting position but maintaining shape. Warms up feet, calves, ankles, knees, thighs, and buttocks.

From a standing position, raise one leg so that the foot is a few centimeters above the ground.

We rotate with the lower leg – several times clockwise and several times against. Change legs and repeat the exercise. Warms up the legs and feet.

All at once

You should be well warmed up by this time, and you can complete the warm-up with “jack-jumping” (jumps with arms and legs extended to the sides) or a short run in place.

Again, it warms up the whole body.

Additional recommendations

Sit on the sand for half a minute before strapping to your board. Extend both legs forward, alternately moving your feet back and forth.

Bend over your outstretched legs and try to reach your toes with your hands.

Hold the pose for a few seconds.

Return to a seated position, squeeze the soles of your feet together and try to push them as close to you as possible.

Use your hands to keep your knees on the ground. Warms up calves, thighs, ankles, hamstrings, and knees.

Now is the time to practice jumping onto the board, whatever your skill level. First, lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward as if rowing.

Next, move your arms to rest on the ground near your lower chest, squeeze your abs and push off the ground with your hands, pulling your legs under you.

You are now on your feet and ready to ride. The heart’s rhythm should be even, and warmth, relaxation, and stability should be felt throughout the body. Fasten on the leash and move forward. Have pleasant surfing!



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