
Frontside Floaters in surfing

The popularity of basic maneuvers like the frontside floater is undeservedly diminished in modern surfing, but it can still be beneficial in several situations

The floater is great for combining with other maneuvers. With this trick, you can effectively end your performance or gain some speed for subsequent plots.

Before starting training, you must understand three basic rules: get to the ridge, ride it, and get back into the wave.

To begin with, you have to pick up a decent speed, enough to climb to the top of the wave.

Then start looking for the wave section that is beginning to crumble

With the help of the “bottom turn” (on the front edge, we move up the lock), we move up the ridge at an angle of 20 – 30 degrees.

Try not to make a right-angle turn (90 degrees); because of this, you will only lose speed. Instead, focus on the break in the wave.

Next, shift your center of gravity to your back foot and move onto the falling ridge. When on the comb, go your weight from the toe to the heel edge.

It will allow you to stay on top, move forward, and maintain speed

After that, change the center of gravity to the front leg: this way, you can perform the trick for as long as possible. Until you get to the top of the wave, watch the kink in the crest.

When you feel that you have begun to slow down or that the ridge is about to collapse completely, start turning towards the landing.

After diving into the foam, you can use either foam away, complete the maneuver, or ollie down to the base of the wave and continue moving. (Óllie is a fundamental skateboard trick. Hands-free jump.)

It is more effective to use an ollie when the waves are large, and the crest is massive and heavy.

At the moment of splashdown, additional overloads will act on your body, so try to group.

And remember to keep your knees bent to help absorb the impact

Train more efficiently on small waves (ideal is a beach break). Then, gradually move on to more giant waves and develop your style. Have fun!

Basic moments:

  1. Head towards the ridge as fast as possible.
  2. Try not to slow down and drive along the ridge for as long as possible.
  3. When you feel that the wave has begun to collapse, effectively turn towards the splashdown and get ready for the next trick.


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